Saturday, July 25, 2009


One of our classmates, who signed up to golf, has pulled up lame. So, it would be nice if we had one more golfer to even out our group. Actually, it would be GREAT if we had more golfers - period! So, if you're thinking, "Gee, I wish I would have signed up to golf," you STILL can. Our first Tee Time is 10:10 a.m. at Sugarbush Golf Course in Garrettsville, Ohio. We will be playing 18, the cost is: $25.50 (includes cart) So come on, you know you WANT to join us! Just email, no later than Thursday, August 6th, so I can get additional Tee Time(s) if necessary. Thanks, Sally Kyle Lentz


Anonymous said...

really.......cuz I thought we were playing 9. I'm old and after Friday get the idea!! I may play nine and ride nine..who wants to share nine with me???


Pam Summers Lee said...

Well Girfriend.....You're not any older than the rest of us, or at least not much older ;o) Suck it up and go with the flow! A scramble is a breeze to play. It's just as frustrating, but a piece of cake. If I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT TOO, MEL!!

Anonymous said...

ok....I play maybe 8 rounds of golf a YEAR and those muscles like many I have on my body are not used very's that for an excuse? So again, any brave souls wanting to share nine with me call Sal. Maybe I'll keep score for you brave souls going bowling.
