Saturday, July 25, 2009


While I was typing out the "looking for a fourth" entry, I started thinking. Maybe golf just isn't the sport of choice for a lot of classmates. That's when I had a great idea! Maybe we can get a group together and go do a little midnight bowling Saturday night? (What the Hell, we're gonna be sore and achy from golf anyway!) Even if you don't want to actually bowl. . . you might as well come with us, 'cause we're definitely gonna need a scorekeeper. Besides, how many opportunities do you get to pay for the privilege of wearing someone else's shoes?

1 comment:

Pam Summers Lee said...

OMG! Bowling after the reunion would be a blast! Haven't bowled in years & years, but I'm game if anyone else is! Ewww! Someone elses shoes? Ladies and Gents....just bring footies!