Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I don't have any more pictures to post; I'm not coming up with any more blog entries in an effort to persuade classmates to get their registrations in. I'm not going to ask you to share your pictures, or your comments or your lunch money. I'm done. We know there are going to be a handful of classmates who will just show up on Saturday, just so you know, you're gonna have to eat with the "lunch ladies!" If you are one of of those last minute people (and you know who you are!) - this is your ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY LAST CHANCE to get your money and information to Patti Buchanan. PLEASE do us a favor - at least drop her an email NOW, so we can finish up and have an accurate food count! Oh, and here are a few more classmates who will be attending: Glenda Prisby Bonner;Kim Werle Griffith; Karen Campbell Frankland; Linda Allen Fostnight and Shirley Powell. I haven't listed everyone who has registered - but a little "preview" of familiar names! So, that's that - and that's it. See you August 7 and/or August 8th! Sally Kyle Lentz

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