Saturday, December 19, 2009

HERE COMES...2010!

Hello boys and girls, If you were at the reunion this past July, then you know how it went. If you were NOT flash - you have no idea what happened, now do you? But, you can still get a glimpse of the greatness, by requesting the DVD - which you do by contacting Eric at: . I'm pretty sure he still has a few left (or can probably burn one). There was some talk of a 60th Birthday Party (granted, this was after some cocktails) but, if this is something YOU might be interested in, I suggest you drop a line to Melody at: to let her know - since she is the one who first suggested it (although she'll deny it). This would be something very informal, a cookout, say at Joe's barn (I'm pretty sure he said that was fine - but that too may have been cocktail chatter :) but, if we can't go there, we'll find someplace. Oh, and we will keep the blog as long as anyone uses it. So, take advantage of the space to keep in touch classmates. Have a Happy New Year, and don't been a stranger! Sally


Pam Summers Lee said...

A 60th Birthday Party is a wonderful idea. I am in for this, so Mel, count me in!

Yes, cocktails were involved in the birthday discussion. However, sober and not so sober, Joe Salamon said we could have the birthday party at his family farm. If for some reason Joe's farm doesn't work out, having it at a local establishment would work too. Very, very low key is the main thing, with little or no money spent by the Class of '69 treasury, which has also been plagued by the recession....there just isn't much there to work with!

I too hope each and everyone of you have a happy and safe Holiday season!


Anonymous said...

I can't think of another word with the letters s and x that excites me less than SIXTY but I do love my classmates and a big birthday party sounds great! Joe's place will bring back memories...let's ALL plan on it.

The 40th was a blast but staying up late kicked my @#$. Kris, Mark and Nancy(Forgus) all seemed to have endless energy!

Wishing all of you the Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Hi All:
Cousin Mel, you made me laugh! ;)
So, is this photo from the 1920's,
because I don't recognize anyone!
I am interested in a party in 2011. It's a good idea!
In 15 mos. 3 days I can commemorate the chronological year that most of us may have a problem accepting!
I recall my father Walter saying when he was 62 yo that he felt like he was 42 yo! I think that is amazing! He graduated from RHS in 1934. If we have relatively good health, I think we can all agree that we never really feel our chronological age! I think our mental, emotional, and spiritual state is a big factor! Maybe we should all work on improving ourselves in those areas in the next year, so when we gather, we can truly celebrate the beginning of another year in our lives, on this crazy and beautiful planet! Got a little carried away here, but that's how I am sometimes-ha!
Nancy Drugan Koehler