Monday, September 14, 2009

The Class of 1969 40th Reunion...New DVD Release!

Well, the DVDs are all done! They will go out in the snail mail this week. If you ordered the DVD you will receive two discs. One, you can play through a DVD player and enjoy on your TV; one can be played on a computer. Tom Riddle, Eric Courtney, Barrie Stambaugh Forner, Patti Mazzola Buchanan came over Friday night and we worked like little elves! I must say, we (and I mean Patti) had a little trouble sticking to our tasks, because we (ditto) kept stopping to watch the "show!" Tom Riddle gets a BIG thumbs up for the music he selected to accompany the photos. Oh, I almost forgot...a much belated THANK-YOU Student Director Tom, for making sure we actually HAD a senior variety show :) Both Tom and Eric went on a self guided tour of the empty school building, and have included those photos as well - it's memory jogging to visually walk through RHS again! Another Thank-you to Cheryl Summers Creech, for taking photos through out the weekend. Her contributions to the DVD are excellent; all the candids taken Friday and Saturday night, as well as the individual photos of each classmate Saturday night. I saw a couple of people in the Friday night pictures that I had missed, so it was good to at least see them! Both Tom and Eric deserve a "GOOD JOB" as the DVD was no small undertaking (!) but the result is wonderful, and I think you will enjoy their efforts. Of course, a Big THANK-YOU to Pam Summers Lee. While, the boat may have rocked a few times, you didn't let it go over completely, you kept us on course and we made it to our final destination... A wonderful 40th Reunion of the Class of 1969! Sally Kyle Lentz

1 comment:

Pam Summers Lee said...

Those who were available...THANK YOU for getting together to assemble & mail the reunion discs.

Thank you Eric and Tom for providing us with old memories all in one spot for easy access....Actually it's two (discs), but...

I guess I wasn't 'social' enough either, as there were a few classmates I saw photos of from both nights that I didn't get a chance to talk to either. I will try to do better at our next class gathering, but it was great seeing their photos.

You're welcome!!....And THANK YOU ALL for letting me be a part of the planning committee. Helping with this reunion was truly enjoyable. Even though many of our classmates were not able to attend for whatever reason, it was wonderful talking to each and everyone of you as we were gathering updated contact information throughout the last year and a half.

On another note....We had several classmates ask that this blog stay up and running, so we will try our best to do that. However, in saying that, we need participation from all classmates with postings of updates, comments, old photos that have been dug out of our personal archives, etc. Most postings and comments have been made by me, Sally Kyle Lentz and Mel Drugan Greene. I hope you all will keep us up-to-date on your lives, via this blog!

IT IS NOT too late to order your reunion discs. Contact Eric Courtney at, or at 330-524-0155 to order these spectacular discs!