Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March Maddness (the early years)

The picture quality leaves a lot to be desired, but it is what it is.
Can you say s-k-i-n-n-y ? They look like an "after" poster for nutri-system!
How about it guys - do you have any B-Ball memories to share?
Eric sent me/added the following:
First row: Coach ? (c'mon guys, who was the coach?) G. Livengood; L.Jennings; C.Bailey; M.Marini; (Sally added) S.Eichelberger; P. Jones; Second Row: J.Carnes; T. Ludick; J.Sisley; R.Phillips; G. Jones; B.Sowinski; A.Harlan; Third Row: R.Pyles; J. Rigby; B. DiSimio; N.Wise

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