Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Freshman Football Team

The 1965 Brown Middle School football team had a season full of success. The team finished the season with a 5-1 overall record, and the team included: (Front row from left to right) Bob Underwood, Jerry Webb, Kevin Pyles, Rick Phillips, Bob Murphy, Terry Kane, Chris Fogle, Norma Wise, Bill Underwood, Charles Caples. (Second row from left to right) Head Coach Leon Muster, Willie Mims, Harry Bryan, Lee Havre, Lee Loftin, Jim Sisley, Gary Wilson, Mark Marini, George Madgett, Assistant Jim Culler. (Third row from left to right) Jack Overby, Denver Lovejoy, Dennis Hainey, Joe Salamon, Allen Haven, Mark Bowen, Dan Barber, Jim Caterbury, Ken Pridemore. (Fourth row from left to right) Gill Winkelman, Ken Powell, Frank Hairston, Gary Reedy, Scott Riddle, Steve Bailey, Mike Heisler. (Fifth row from left to right) Jim Ritenour, Rick Gembar, Jim Woodruff, Cody Roosa, Dan Taylor, Tony Latimer, Tom Rummel, David Duffy, Monty Miller, Ken Lewis. In the rear are team managers Harry Deacon and Larry McCollough.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Jim Canterbury's Prom Photo

And the winner of the Buddy Holly look alike contest is..... This was senior year prom and the my date is Sarah Fitzgerald, Ed's sister. Jim C

Monday, March 16, 2009

Encore - Encore!

Jim Canterbury sent me what may be the only published media picture known (or saved!) from that wonderful theatrical performance. The play was ???? (put it on the blog if you know). And the budding thespians are?
Looks like that just left drugs and rock & roll !

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Prom Picture

Well, I had to dig deep in the archives (lots of boxes),but I found my prom picture. OMG! Look at that do of mine.....YIKES! Wish I still looked that young and trim, but it's not happening again in this lifetime.

A girl scout is...

... always willing to have her picture taken! Ed Fitzgerald shares this one of Judy Dohse Fitzgerald. Judi added, "I'm top row, fourth from the left in the "West Main PM Kindergarten" pic." Anyone else want to share their own "smile for the camera" pictures?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tappan.....Grade 1 1957-1958

(Photo compliments of Tom Riddle)
I recognize the obvious...Denny Haney, Angie Petty, Kenna Pridemore, Tom Riddle, Jeff Edwards, and not sure about the others....the faces look familiar but the names just don't pop up into this old brain as fast as they use to.

Rausch.....3rd grade 1959-1960

How many faces to you guys recognize in this photo? Lots of pretty cute faces here and everywhere! (Photo compliments of Joe Salamon) When posting a comment, please sign your name so we know who all participants are. Thanks!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

West Main 2nd Grade (also from Jim Caterbury)

Oh I feel just like Ms. Barbara...
I can see Norman Wise and Linda Strickling- Patti Mazzola [missed the wear white socks memo :) ] and Billy Shorts - Oh and I can see... Susie Brown and Marky Bowen!
Come on guys, tell us who you/they are!
For the record, I guessed Mrs. McGill (OK, so her name is on the sign, but I guessed before I saw that!)
Bill Shorts sent me/added the following:
Diane Telaferro and Danny Machelli in the 1st row,
Leann Proctor and Danny Hysell 2nd row,
Rick Phillips 3rd row,
Jim Canterbury and Dennis Danes in the top row.
I think 2/3's of the class was taller than Mrs. McGee by then.
- I KNOW he meant Mrs. McGill ;)

We've got the north and the west...where's Rausch, Tappan and IC?

West Main PM Kindergarten
Jim Canterbury sent this to have posted. Sorry, I was a Highland Pirate, so can't contribute names.
West Main-ers? Just think of it as a long term memory check - and add as many names as you can!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fast forward to 1962

Found another one! Seriously, doesn't anyone else have some pictures?!
Ok, this is Highland sixth grade. I even have most of the names (only first names for a couple) So here they are: (from the bottom up) ROW 1. Mrs. Krebs; M. Marini; H. McEwen; R. Ziska; S. Akers; S. Banks; J. Kemerer; K. Busher; G. Wilson; L. Wilkie; Mr. McClure ROW 2. J. Carnes; M. Balazs(sp?); B. Sowinski; Marilyn; G. Davis; L. Edwards; C. Laubert; J. Jacoby ROW 3. J. Dickey; J. Barnhart; E. Courtney; N. Bell; B. Cannon; J. Edwards; J. Long ROW 4. G. Holmes; K. Werle; C. Thompson; D. Pursley; B. Schaer;J. Frank; A. Harlan; Jule Proctor ROW 5. C. McVay; Mary; C. Bew; M. Cooper; B. DiSimio; J. Rigby; D. Joyner; J. Bailey; S. Kyle

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's SHOW & TELL time!

Visiting the past is exhausting! But, it's kind of fun to see how young (and thin) we all were.

I can't be the only one with old pictures!

With the reunion coming up, dig out that box and find stuff from High School and earlier, and share it with your fellow 69 ers!
P.S. If you happen to come across any prom pictures with me in them
-please - post them so I can see what I wore...and who I went with! Thanks!

Caught Ya! (Patti will kill me)

Ok, you're wondering why the picture of Patti at a Christmas tree?
It's nice, but why should the rest of the class care?
Well, it's (I'm almost positive the statute of limitations has run out) evidence
of her visit(s) to a certain (GASP) single male teacher's apartment!
Oh wait, I took the picture ...must mean I was a frequent visitor too = :-0
Come on girls, you know who you are - who else hung out there?

Girls Gone Wild...(not THAT kind)

Slumber party - wild!
I still haven't found prom pics (did I go to the prom?) but, I did find this one!
Remember these? Kim's basement. Patti's front porch. Making prom "poppies" at Barrie's. Anyone else have pictures from high school - GET 'EM OUT - er onto the blog!
Melody's the only one who didn't bring her teeth.

Glee Club -"A group organized for singing songs."

Truth... a time to hang out with your friends AND get you out of 6th period! 3/7 Sally added: Ok, ok, here are the names - geez! Nancy Roen; Susie Banks; Dawn Clark; Barrie Stambaugh; Marsha Hostetler; Jeff Edwards; Mike Bakes; Jim McColloch

March Maddness (the early years)

The picture quality leaves a lot to be desired, but it is what it is.
Can you say s-k-i-n-n-y ? They look like an "after" poster for nutri-system!
How about it guys - do you have any B-Ball memories to share?
Eric sent me/added the following:
First row: Coach ? (c'mon guys, who was the coach?) G. Livengood; L.Jennings; C.Bailey; M.Marini; (Sally added) S.Eichelberger; P. Jones; Second Row: J.Carnes; T. Ludick; J.Sisley; R.Phillips; G. Jones; B.Sowinski; A.Harlan; Third Row: R.Pyles; J. Rigby; B. DiSimio; N.Wise

Only their hairdresser knows for sure...

Not only was our hair "teased" it was tormented! Haven't found any prom pics yet, but turned up this lovely pose - I think, leaving for a Junior High dance. Joyce - do you remember?

Highland Elementary

The good thing is they added the sign so we can now remember when/what/where it was taken! This is Mrs. Shafer's afternoon kindergarten class, of 1956 (!!) Are we not the cutest kids you have ever seen? Ok, fellow Pirates, who's (front row, right) "bow tie guy?"

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Southwest....

Will Ticknor's view from the back of his house in Las Cruces, New Mexico. How awesome would it be to have this fiew every day?