Monday, February 16, 2009

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION class photo. Not sure if it is 6th grade or 8th grade graduation photo. If anyone knows what grade/year this was taken, please post your response. (Left click on the photo to increase the size of the photo for better viewing)


Anonymous said...

I check this site a couple times a week. I can't be the only one. Who else is stoppong by? Jim says this is probably 8th grade graduation because Fran Martin is in the picture. Heather

Pam Summers Lee said...

Thanks for the information, Heather. No you're not the only person who checks this site. The number of hits is proof that someone is checking it out. Perhaps everyone else is just shy7


Anonymous said...

Yes, I do think this must be the 8th grade picture because I am not in it....I jumped ship because Matt and Joey kept me laughing so much I thought that if I stayed the nuns would eventually have to kill me. Mel

Unknown said...

Well after an 1 1/2 phone call with Melody Drugan Green... we named most everyone in the pic!! What a walk down memory lane...Heather you definitely got the cutest guy on the page....see you in Ravenna this summer!!

Anonymous said...

So guys, are you going to share the names? Some of us non-catholics would like to know who those young kids are. I did pick out Tommy Williams!

Pam Summers Lee said...

I was not an IC attendee, but I recognize a lot of faces....(in no specific order) Nannette Savako, Denny Juvan, Jim Fleming, Kris Hostetler, Debbie Lacy, Laurie Socha, Kathy Sniderhan, Frank Dudek, Dominic Tortorella, Lee Ann Schaefer, Ruth Potisuk, Matt Cristino, Jeff Rock, Art Mauck, Karen Beers, Peggy DiPaola, Susan Yarolin, Nancy Drugan, Nancy Forgus, Sue Donie and Don Bello. Several other faces look familiar but I just can't place the names.

Pam Summers

Maggie Rogers Engelhart said...


Maggie Rogers Engelhart said...

This is our eighth grade picture for sure because I'm in it!! Seems like and is a long time ago. Maggie (Margaret) Rogers Engelhart

kris hostetler said...

Ok here it goes.. bottom row: Doris Kline, Kenny Porcase, Peggy DiPalo, ? ,Francis Evans, Msgr. Lavelle, ?, Joey Skaronski, Karen Beers, ?, Gayle Haas. 2nd row: David Rhinehart, Nancy Drugan, Larry Sarocco, Sue Brown, Jeff Rock, Nancy Forgus, Matt Cristino, Suzie Dohty, ?. Don Bello, Ruth Potusik, Art(Cork) Mauck. 3rd row: Frank Dudek, Linda Gillespi, Dominic Tortarella ,Esperanza Garcia, John Jordan, Lee Ann Schaeffer, Tom Williams, Becky Laskos, Danny Barber, Patty George, Jim Fleming. 4th row: Margaret Rogers, David Grodusky, Loiri Sacha, Tom Schrader, Deborah Lacy, Tom Bereck, Kris Hostetler, Patrick?, Julie Dawson, David Pahls. 5th row: Thomas Ward, Nannette Savako, ?, Dennis Juvan, Gary Wykowitz. Mr. (David) Martin was the teacher. 8th grade graduation class. This is what Mel Drugan and I remembered in that 1 1/2 hr. phone call.....not bad for a couple of old ladies!! Kris Hostetler Hampsey

Sally Kyle Lentz said...

Ok - Mel & Kris,
Were you two good Catholic girls maybe having a cocktail, while you were playing "pin the name on the face?"
I didn't go to IC, but there is no way the girl in the second row, between Larry Sarocco and Jeff Rock is Susie Brown - no way!
She didn't go to IC - did she? I thought she was West Main kid.

Pam Summers Lee said...

I agree with Sally....There is no way that girl between Larry and Jeff is Susie Brown. It's not even close to looking like her. No clue who that girl is, but it ain't Susie.

Anonymous said...

It's not like there is only one Sue Brown on the planet. Kris and I certainly know that it is NOT Susan Brown Hutchinson.
Kris....the truth is you remembered far more names than I did but I thought it was Ann Calby in the front row next to the priest. Come on people help us!!!
