Thursday, August 13, 2009

THE CLASS OF 1969 on AUGUST 8, 2009

Those of us who attended our 40th class reunion, had a BLAST!
F.O.G. band graciously played for a huge crowd Friday night at the English Pub. The music was great, the company of all who attended was superb!
Classmates who were able to attend are: Sue Akers McCarrell, Linda Allen Fosnight, Charlie & Julie Bailey, Clarice Bew Scott, Mark Bowen, JoAnn Brode McEwen, Karen Campbell Frankland, Jim Canterbury, Becky Cochran, Eric Courtney, Bob DeSimio, Barb DeYoung Drabic, Peggy DiaPaola, Melody Drugan Greene, Nancy Drugan Koehler, Mark Drumheller, Patty Ferrara Cartwright, Jim & Heather McEwen Fleming, Nancy Forgus Scoma, Steve Gilly, Dale Hamilton, Alan Harlan, Nancie Heisler Torrence, Kris Hostetler Hampsey, Cindy Huston Ross, Scott & Jayce Rutan Hutchinson, Debi Johnston, Don Kainrad, Bill Kernen, Dale Kirkhart, Jane Kleinsmith Roop, Sally Kyle Lentz, Betty Litsinger, Gary Livengood, Denver Lovejoy, Rich Lyon, Mark Marini, Mike Marquis, Bruce Marvin, Corky (Art) Mauck, Patti Mazzola Buchanan, Steve McDaniel, Chris McVay, Dan & Betsy Vojtkofsky Michelli, Doug Moore, Ruth Potisuk Ludwick, Shirley Powell Pennington, Glenda Prisby Bronner, Kevin Pyles, Mike Reynolds, Tom Riddle, Jim Rigby, Rance Robenstein, Nancy Roen Dunlap, Joe Salamon, Sam Shipley, Bill Shorts, Louise Spagnuolo, Barrie Stambaugh Forner, Paul Stukovsky, Pam Summers Lee, Will Ticknor, Melverta Townend Turek, Jerry Webb, Kim Werle Griffith, Norm Wise and Susan Yarolin Carlton......Oh and 'Randy Raven'! How many names can put with faces in this photo? Not pictured.....Our special guests Mr. Art Fesemyer, Mr. Ed & Mrs. Eleanor Marini, Mr. Gene Roliff and Mrs. JoAnn Tondigila Smith (class of 1968).
Mrs. Cheryl Summers Creech (Class of 1971) volunteered to make our table centerpieces, as well as take photos of our entire weekend events. Susan Yarolin Carlton give a very beautiful, tender convocation. Clarice Bew Scott showed us she still had beautiful, strong 'pipes' by singing acapella 'Impossible Dream'.
If you haven't had an opportunity to purchase RHS Class of 1969 mugs, we still have a few left. It is also not too late to order a photo DVD & CD, which will include the wonderful Power Point Presentation Eric Courtney and Tom Riddle put together for our reunion. There will be two (2) disks sent to each classmate who have ordered and pre-paid.....the DVD can be played on a DVD player. The CD can be played on a computer, so if you don't have computer access, you will be able to view the entire reunion weekend through a DVD player on your TV screen. The final product will also include photos from Friday night's casual gathering at the English Pub, as well as photos from our reunion Saturday evening. Eric and Tom anticipate having these finished and ready to mail about 30 days after the reunion. So, DVD's & CD's should be mailed around September 10th or so. Please contact Eric Courtney for Mug and DVD & CD orders at or at 330-524-0155.
Our reunion golf outing was a success. Eight of us braved the cool, cloudy weather with a few sprinkles of rain here and there. The team of Sam Shipley, Mark Bowen, Melody Drugan Greene and Pam Summers Lee, kicked butt against Charlie Bailey, Sally Kyle Lentz, Patti Mazzola Buchanan and Nancy Roen Dunlap. They were 2 over....we were 3 UNDER.....We be the champs, thank you very much! If you guys want a re-match, we're in! A few photos were taken of this event, which will also be on the reunion DVD/CD.
It was a GREAT weekend! Classmates who could not attend, got a lot more sleep and didn't end of hoarse like most of us. Poor Sam Shipley's voice was totally gone by Saturday night. You all were greatly missed, so we hope you will be able to attend the next class gathering!
(A few more photos of our reunion weekend will be posted here and there over the next several weeks, so stay tuned.)


Pam Summers Lee said...

Oh, P.S......Left click on your mouse to view a larger version of this picture.

goosby said...

I barely see me. is kainrad running for office again. I that what makes him a camera hog