Friday, June 12, 2009

ME AND MY PREACHER MAN by Clarice Bew Scott

Hello Class, I’m a little embarrassed, but my registration is finally on the way. Just charge it to “old timers” whatever! I just perused the Blogspot and I’m sitting at my desk trying to keep the #111 Black Mod Lashes on (yes, I’m still glamorous), because it brought tears to my eyes. Tears of joy and laughter, so-o-o- many memories were brought back from Highland, Rausch, Brown Jr. and Ravenna High. Thanks for the pics. …I remember my first crush in kindergarten on “the Doctors son”, (guess who) I remember @ Highland when Glen Holmes chased me down Washington St. with a worm and Mark Marini and Joe Bailey thought it was funny and when Susie Brown and I had a semi-fight in Jr. High (I wonder if they remember). I’m thinking about being the Volleyball champs in 8th grade (last time I did anything athletic)! I’m remembering chorus Mr. Maske, the plays, Mrs. Dickerson, FBLA, the Senior Variety Show (“To Dream the Impossible Dream), and that “fine” history teacher, Mr. Palcho and my favorite principal, Mr. Fesemeyer. I could go on, but then I’d have nothing to reminisce about at the reunion. Here’s a brief history of my last 40 years: Married a Pastor, Larryissac Scott in 1980 (my friend Paul Jones performed the ceremony), moved to West Palm Beach, Florida in 1990, raised 2 sons, one Navy Man and one Rapper, had 1 daughter whose currently a junior @ Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, She’s a pageant queen and a sweet young lady, I have 7 grands, currently work for Gov. Charlie Crist in Tallahassee as a Management Analyst, write and produce plays locally, still sing, love the Lord and still have that “queenly” size, so I don’t need a name tag, I’ll be easy to recognizeJ. Thank you committee for all the planning and I’m praying save journey for all attendees. I’m so excited! God Bless & See Ya Soon, Clarice (Bew) Scott


Pam Summers Lee said...

Clarice...I oved your picture, post and your family update. It's wonderful that you haven't lost that great sense of humor....You are too funny!

I'm guessing it was Jerry Webb who stole your heart in kindergarten!....Lucky guy! I think you are a lot like me, in that I was always taller and "bigger boned" than most, so it makes sense to go for the taller,handsome young man in your class. YOU GO GIRL!!

I am really looking forward to seeing you in August. Please be safe in your travels!

Pam Summers

Sally Kyle Lentz said...


I laughed out loud when I read your post...I can see those eyelashes fluttering away! Here's a Highland memory...playing tether ball. They were horrible "death matches." If the ball didn't smack your face off, you got strangled! I hated that thing!
I'm so glad you're coming!! Hopefully, we'll be able to coax you into a song or maybe two!

Betty Litsinger said...

I'm so excited! You are the one person I was really hoping would make it to the reunion. Your beautiful voice is my most pleasant memory of high school. I need to give you a hug and tell you that in person.