Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Highland Elementary

The good thing is they added the sign so we can now remember when/what/where it was taken! This is Mrs. Shafer's afternoon kindergarten class, of 1956 (!!) Are we not the cutest kids you have ever seen? Ok, fellow Pirates, who's (front row, right) "bow tie guy?"


Anonymous said...

I OBVIOUSLY did not attend BUT I do recognize a few faces (all cute and innocent at this point) but no clue on "bow tie boy" Mel

Karen said...

Bow Tie 'guy' is Eddie Price - Karen

Anonymous said...


You're right, Eddie is second from the left, front row. But, I was asking about the kid, far right, front row. Who's that? Sally

Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess that it is Alan Harlan....Mel

Karen said...

Steven Hensly is his name. I didn't remember, but mom wrote everyone's name on the back of the photos..I recognize most of them, but a couple I sure don't - Karen

Anonymous said...

Moms:) Do you think they just knew some day we might want to know this stuff? Now that I see the name, I kinda, maybe, sorta remember him. Thanks Karen
eeee- nice try Mel!